Who are we?

Technology & Innovation
Partnering with Local Communities

Utilizing and adapting technologies familiar to the developed world, we can provide family members, caretakers and students with services and advice to help them build a wider knowledge base to deal with any action the person they are looking after might make.

By nurturing relationships with likeminded organizations and private individuals, we aim to unlock new sources of capital and scale up our work far beyond what our first projects funding can do alone. As we finish our first projects, new collaborators will be announced.

Two high school students. We work in different time zones across the world to facilitate and maximise the projects impact. Not Close Enough belongs to Section 3.5, a company in charge of non profit projects for the world's citizens. We extend beyond mere volunteering; we believe in building sustainable models that encourage collaboration and create lasting effects. While our physical locations differ, we unite under the common need to help and deal with our loved ones who may be suffering a mental decadence.

Together, we stand committed to improving the lives of those who are taking care of someone who is experiencing mental decadence through a supportive and educational community, as well as doing our part in raising awareness and funds for the cause.

Finance & Investing

To make a lasting impact, we know that we must actively engage and include the communities we are seeking to help. We are continually learning and growing in how we show up as an authentic, ethical partner. That's why we are centring all our efforts into one project at the moment, as we want it to reach and help the maximum amount of people possible.

Our team



Founder of Section 3.5 and design for Not close Enough. EU time zone and in charge of Spanish, South American, British, French and Slavic communications.

Head of Not Close Enough's community. Support and maintenance. US time zone in charge of North American, Italian, German and Chinese partners.